We launched Under the Sisterhood on Women’s Equality Day, August 26, 2022. We celebrated with a sister circle. It was such a deep connective experience we wanted to keep the sister circles going. The act of bringing women together to create a positive community where women share and support one another is powerful. We now have a community of thousands of women from 34 countries sharing their female experiences, their “superpowers” and how they help other women. While women from developing countries enjoyed meeting and sharing with us as part of a global sisterhood, they also saw the need for sisterhoods in their own countries where they could discuss the local barriers to education, equality, and health, as well as strategies to overcome them. In response to that, we started a sisterhood wellness program in Pakistan in October 2022.
In March 2023 on International Women’s Day, we launched Sistergood with a sister circle with the Jamaican and Costa Rican Red Cross and in Pakistan. In November we launched a 12-week program for the women in Ghana.
Sistergood is a not-for-profit organization building sisterhoods in developing countries. The purpose of Sistergood is to provide facilitated learning, taking women through self-discovery, self-care, and self-expression, and equipping women with strategies, skills, and tools to strengthen their physical and mental well-being, encourage them to become actively engaged in their communities and empower them to become leaders.
Our mission is to help change the world by building sister leaders and sisterhoods everywhere.